”Don’t ask yourself what the world needs.
Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that,
because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”
Howard Thurman

Many times in my life I felt I wasn't fulfilling myself,
that I wasn't in my zone.
But in 2020 I couldn't take it anymore.
After several months in a high tech job that was just not right for me, I knew I had to leave - but I didn't dare.
Not only did I not jump out of bed in the mornings,
I also felt I was betraying myself.
I kept giving myself excuses for why I couldn't quit.
Then, in the middle of the first lockdown,
I couldn't take it anymore and quit my job.
After that I felt a lot of emotions, but above all I had the
feeling that finally I'm listening to my heart.
Yael Abel
Head of Customer Success @Zooz
Nilli's Zone of Genius workshop was exactly what I needed for my team.
First, it helped my team get to know each other better and open up while focusing on their strengths.
The session gave a new way of thinking about our day-to-day and tools to improve
our skills to become geniuses.
As a manager, the session made me rethink how I assign the team's tasks to improve their
Ofir Richman
Lecturer and Head of IDChub @IDC
In her lecture at IDChub of Adelson School of Entrepreneurship of IDC Herzliya she shared with us the importance of the "ONEPAGER", its goals, the importance of precise written communication and how to avoid common mistakes.
It was one of the best classes we had this semester, since the engagement of the students skyrocketed, or as we define it here: true active participation.
Emily Berg
Participated in the ״Double You״ retreat
After the "Double You" retreat, I was feeling so inspired to work on a project that I had put on the back burner for over a year. When Nilli told me about the Goal Fulfillment program, it sounded like a great investment. I love our weekly sessions because - no matter how busy I am with work, motherhood, and everything else - I have been able to keep my project alive and remind myself that it is really what I ultimately
want to be doing.